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Monday, September 1, 2014

Top 10 Eye Care Tips for Kids

Top 10 Eye Care Tips for Kids

  1. Vision screening includes an evaluation at birth, during the well-child visit (6months – 2 years), and a preschool examination. These examinations look for visual acuity and alignment.
  2. Involve young children in visually stimulating activities – playing outside, reading, interactive games early in life – visual development is most active until about 12 years of age.
  3. If your child has been prescribed glasses, encourage them to wear them as prescribed, as failure to do so can limit your child’s visual development for life.
  4. School age children should be evaluated any time problems may be suspected.
  5. Avoid exposure to any cigarette smoke. In addition to causing respiratory issues, cigarette smoke exposure can cause dry eyes and increase likelihood of other conditions later in life (cataracts/macular degeneration).
  6. Contact lenses are only to be worn when dispensed by an authorized provider (an optometrist or ophthalmologist).
  7. Do not let your child, or anyone, wear their contact lenses over night, regardless of what the contact lens box may say. Overnight wear significantly increases risk for serious eye infections.
  8. Encourage a healthy diet with leafy greens and fruits to ensure adequate vitamin supplementation for healthy eye and general development.
  9. If your child plays sports, consider use of protective eyewear – as 90% of sports-related eye injuries are preventable. (high risk sports include baseball, basketball, racquet sports, fishing)
  10. Regular exercise should be encouraged to maintain normal weight – reducing risk of diabetes and diabetic retinopathy.

For Further Reading,
Good Eye Health, Restore your Vision


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